
How I Took Care Of Myself During My wild Pregnancy

*Disclaimer this is not medical advice, I am not a medical doctor nor have I any expertise in the medical field. This is my personal experience I’m sharing .

Table of Contents

What is a Wild Pregnancy?

A wild pregnancy is when your pregnancy is entirely under your control. Pregnant women typically refer to themselves in  this way when we’re seeking outside prenatal  care from a doctor or midwife.

That’s is the general understanding , In my opinion pregnancy shouldn’t be treated like an illness or disease. Women should be able to make the decision on how they will care for themselves, prenatal care spans outward beyond medical checkups, tests and ultrasounds. Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she is expanding ever growing and is transforming physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Pregnancy is a time for deep self reflection, emotional healing with one’s self. It’s a time where a woman should be able to slow down realize she’s bringing down a new soul. An that means she needs to create healthy environment with herself physically, mentally and emotionally.

A woman who is in-tune with her divine self and isn’t being bombarded constantly with self doubt from others.

It’s time to heal for closure. So you can achieve your best birth. I realized this in my 2nd trimester with my last pregnancy. And haven’t looked back.

Why I Choose Wild Pregnancy & Freebirth

After that home birth experience with midwives at our second childs birth in 2019 we made a serious decision to freebirth any future child we conceive.

I dreamed of a birth that was not rushed, undisturbed, filled with joy , laughter and intimacy. This is what we willed and prayed for so the choice to freebirth was the best for us.

For three years I studied all about birth and physiological birth; click here for the many books I read that helped prepare me to freebirth:

Since finding out that we conceived in January of 2023 we decided the best thing for our family is to have a private pregnancy without being monitored and having a bunch of unnecessary tests done. I’ve decided to take my care into my own hands and not rely on the medical system or midwives to make me feel secure about my body and ability to birth.

Choosing Privacy About My Decision

We choose not to share our choice to free birth to our family. Due to their reaction which would definitely cause me to be stressed out. I tried testing the water with my mother discussing free birth as a hypothetical and I didn’t get a positive

I only felt comfortable telling other women who were also onboard with free birth. It helped me not feel so alone.

Herbs Instead Of Prenatals

I didn’t Take “Prenatals” instead I choose to make my own brew of herbs plentiful In Nutrients, Minerals and Vitamins in its Natural Form.

At this point you may be shocked, appalled and ready to click off my post and write me off as crazy. But hear me out.

I use to think prenatal was extremely important in til I learned that prenatal have synthetic Vitamins with Dyes, fillers that your body can’t assimilate. Over time These synthetic vitamins increase the risk of neurological damage , heavy metal exposure , inflammation, cancer And bleeding disorders.

Why would anyone willingly expose themselves and their baby to this band load of toxicity? Mother Earth provides all these nutrients dense herbs that’s safe to nourish you during pregnancy.

Herbs For A Healthy Wild Pregnancy

From the first trimester I drank one cup a day of my modified version of Nora Tea and made sure to slow brew it for 5 hours or overnight .

These herbs are packed full of vital nutrients Vitamins and Minerals that are Highly beneficial to pregnancy and postpartum.

I Made My Modified Nora Tea With these Herbs:

I use 2 tablespoons each of these herbs to 1 quart of filtered water. I slow brew this tea for about 5 hours in my instant pot on slow cook or on the stove top on low for the same amount of time.

Your tea should be a deep brown serve with a little honey and drink up. I’d drink my Nora Tea once a day.

Nutrient Dense Eating

It’s Important to keep a balanced eating habit This practice has helped me keep up my iron, potassium, selenium and other vitamin and mineral levels high. Along with regularly drinking a mixed brew of herbs through out my pregnancy

Eating Animal Protein, Vegetables, Fruits , Root vegetables and Good Fats like Avocado oil, Grass-Fed Butter & Ghee Are good examples of the best fats around to nourish you and your baby!

I find it easy to Cook fast healthy Meals like organic chicken buffalo wings, Casava Fries and Fresh Celery or carrot sticks for dinner, its a hit for the entire family. Feel good meals like buffalo wings can still be on the menu, the ingredients will have to be adjusted to healthier means to meet your needs.

It can be hard to eat “right” when your body literally throws up everything you eat! During my first trimester I could only keep down Chinese Vegetable Lo Mein , Cheese Pizza and Virgil’s Root Beer!

It was tough because I couldn’t keep anything else down. As I progressed through this pregnancy my cravings have lessoned a lot , the first trimester was the most difficult. At the time I didn’t know about what herbs to take to quell queasiness.

Cravings for fruity citrus Candy or dairy may be signs of low vitamin C levels in the body or a calcium shortage. The Best ways to quickly Fill up on Vitamins and Minerals is to make a Slow Nora Brewed Tea mentioned above.

As odd as this may sound if you’re craving Sour candy, grab some lemon slices drizzled with honey instead. If your craving feel good foods like Southern Flaky Biscuits. Check out my recipe made with sourdough, grass fed butter and organic ingredients your Gut will Thank you!

Testing Myself

Since being pregnant I didn’t test for anything. I didn’t feel like it was necessary after awhile. But if you need it for peace of mind go for it!

The common tests for prenatal care that can be done at home:

Facing My Fears

I thought about everything that could go wrong. Piece by piece I logically thought about how we would handle it. And logically came to a place where I learned all I could learn and let go of my fears. I affirmed I having a healthy baby and pregnancy, sometimes the fear would creep in. But I’d rebuke those thoughts because I knew I was healthy and alright within my inner being.

If your Pregnant and having fears it’s good to ask yourself “why?” And go for it truly find out the reason and from there you’ll know how to quell the fear.

Belief In Myself

This was the biggest confidence builder of all! Having true faith and belief in myself that I can have a healthy pregnancy outside the medical system. Knowing That my body can do what it was made for.

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